The mode ASCII is one of the traditional modes used by radio-amateurs It is used by radio amateurs since 1980. use two frequencies which are filtered, each one corresponding to a binary digit (1 or 0). These two frequencies, separated by a shift, modulate the RF when transmitted and the modulation is called Audio Frequency-Shift Keying (AFSK), otherwise the modulation can be done directly on the RF carrier and it is called Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK). In HF amateur radio, AFSK is used when you pass by the MIC input ot the transceiver but FSK can also used if you pass by the special input of the TX. ASCII uses mark and space just like RTTY does but it uses a different character encoding scheme called ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange ) ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing control characters
Description :
Baud rate : 110. A character is composed of a « start » bit (1 « space »), 7 or 8 bits and a « stop » bit (2 « mark »)
Speed : 110 wpm (7 bits) or 100 wpm (8 bits)
Modulation : FSK two tones (« mark » and « space » , "mark" high) with a shift of 170 Hz (or, sometimes, 200 Hz),
Receive mode : USB
Character set : 7-bits ASCII (or 8-bit ASCII for some languages), no parity,
Shape of pulse : rectangular
Bandwidth : 700 Hz (due to rectangular shape),
Demodulation : non coherent,
Synchronization : asynchronous with start bit,
Correction code : no
Convolution code : no
Interleaving : no
Pmean/Ppeak : 1
Lowest S/N : -2 dB
- This mode is a little bit weaker than say RTTY
+ about the same performance as RTTY on Ionspheric effects.
+ Can allow back space unlike RTTY

Mode Menu
FFT Screen Shot
Mode Audio Sample